Mathematics for materials modelling (MatMat)

Group picture

Welcome to the website of the Mathematics for materials modelling research group. Our research centres on bringing insight from maths to materials modelling, with the aim to understand simulation error and improve robustness of modelling schemes. This is an interdisciplinary mission and we frequently collaborate with researchers across the fields of mathematics, physics, computer science and materials. At EPFL we are part of both the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Materials.

You can learn more about our work by taking a look at our research topics, the software we develop or our recent publications. If you are interested and you want to work with us, feel free to take a look at our our job openings. We also offer student projects at various levels.

Selected news

17.01 - 09.03.2025 For a good month and a half in early 2025 the EPFL Pavilions will host the exhibition Shapes: Patterns in Art and Science.

Shapes psoster

Inspired by the works of the painter M. C. Escher this exhibition explores the richness of the natural and artificial patterns that surround us. Bringing together art, mathematics, materials science and biology, it highlights the shared fascination of scientists and artists with geometric, dynamic and symmetrical structures.

This exhibition Michael co-organises in collaboration with two fellow mathematicians, Hugo Parlier and Marc Troyanov, as well as help from colleagues in physics, biology and the EPFL Pavilion team.

Some events of the accompanying programme:


Today the national radio programme CQFD from the Swiss public radio channel RTS had a 10-minute segment about our exhibition Shapes: Patterns in Art and Science currently running at EPFL Pavilions. It features an interview with Hugo Parlier (one of Michael's co-organisers) and Paul Turner (one of the artists contributing). The programme is in French and can be downloaded here.

Also today the news blog of EPFL published an article on our exhibition, too.

For more details on the exhibition, still running until 9th March, take a look at our website and this earlier article.

11.02.2025 - 13.02.2025 Jointly with Michele Ceriotti (EPFL) we will organise a track Quantifying Uncertainties in multiphysics learning at EPFL's Applied Machine Learning Days 2025. In a line-up featuring Jigyasa Nigam, Thomas Swinburne and Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis we will discuss the challenges of learning across different physical scales and some ideas how errors can be quantified along the way.

09.03 - 14.03.2025 Jointly with Geneviève Dusson (Besançon) and Benjamin Stamm (Stuttgart) we will organise a workshop at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach on Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry bringing together the community of mathematicians interested on problems in quantum chemistry and electronic structure theory as well as some application researchers interested in the mathematical aspects of these models.

[See all news]

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Last modified: February 06, 2025. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.