All news: The future, the present and the past.
09.03 - 14.03.2025 Jointly with Geneviève Dusson (Besançon) and Benjamin Stamm (Stuttgart) we will organise a workshop at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach on Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry bringing together the community of mathematicians interested on problems in quantum chemistry and electronic structure theory as well as some application researchers interested in the mathematical aspects of these models.
26.11.2024 - 28.11.2024 Jointly with Antoine Levitt (University of Paris Orsay) and Jutho Haegeman (University of Ghent) we will organise a Psi-k workshop at the intersection of quantum physics, computer science and numerical linear algebra / optimisation. The main motivation is to explore current problems in the field and the opportunities of the Julia programming language for researchers from aforementioned communities to join forces. The workshop is titled Julia for numerical problems in quantum and solid-state physics and will take place at the CECAM HQ in Lausanne, Switzerland.
16.09 - 20.08.2024 Our group participates in this year's MANUEL Conference in Stuttgart, Germany. Michael is an invited speaker and will present on Reliable and efficient methods for computing DFT properties and derivatives [Slides]
15.09.2024 Bruno Ploumhans returns to our group as a PhD after a few months following up from his master thesis. Welcome back Bruno and we look forward to have you around for many more scientific endeavours.
29.08.2024 - 30.08.2024 As part of our group's involvement in the Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Molecular Systems interest group, Michael co-organises a workshop on Uncertainty Quantification in Molecular Simulation (jointly with Feliks Nüske). The workshop will be a lunch-to-lunch event tailored to people, who are familiar with the modelling of molecular simulations, but not yet familiar with UQ and error estimation.
10.07.2024 Michael will give a keynote lecture (jointly with Rachel Kurchin, CMU) on Materials Modeling: Bonding across atoms, code, and people (abstract) at this year's JuliaCon in Eindhoven, Netherlands. This talk will be streamed live on Wednesday 10th July, 17:40 - 18:40 on the JuliaLang youtube channel. [Slides] [Code]
12.07.2024 Afterwards on Friday 12th Michael will also give an update about DFTK in a talk titled DFTK.jl: 5 years of a multidisciplinary electronic-structure code (abstract). [Slides] [Code]
31.07.2024: New publication Today our paper ddX: Polarizable Continuum Solvation from Small Molecules to Proteins is published in WIREs Computational Molecular Science.
04.07.2024: New publication Today our paper Multitask methods for predicting molecular properties from heterogeneous data is published in the Journal of Chemical Physics.
05.06 - 07.06.2024 Our group participates in the workshop Optimization Techniques in Quantum Chemistry at RWTH Aachen. At the workshop Michael will present on Reliable and efficient methods for computing DFT properties and derivatives [Slides]
03.06.2023 Michael co-organises the minisymposium Composable Julia Software in Atomistic Materials Modeling (jointly with Rachel Kurchin) at the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) conference in Zürich, Switzerland.
13.05.2024 - 17.05.2024 Jointly with Eric Cancès and Antoine Levitt Michael co-organises a minitutorial Linear Algebra Challenges in Electronic Structure Simulations at SIAM Linear Algebra (SIAM LA) in Paris, France. [Tutorial material]
Later in the week Michael will also speak about An Adaptive Line Search for Self-Consistent Field Problems of Electronic Structure Theory in the minisymposium Eigenvector-Dependent Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems and Applications. [Slides]
01.04.2024 Anna Paulish joins our group as a PhD student. Welcome Anna! We look forward to our part in your scientific explorations in the years to come.
18.03.2024 - 22.03.2024 The MatMat group attends the 94th annual meeting of the German Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) in Magdeburg, Germany. This year Michael co-organises the section Modelling, analysis and simulation of molecular systems (with Sebastian Matera). Due to many strong submissions there are over 12 hours of talks about electronic structures and atomistic modelling taking place at GAMM !
13.03.2024: Michael gives his inaugural lecture, speaking about Robust error-controlled materials simulations. The talk will be transmitted live via zoom. See the memento page for further details and please register here. [Slides]
19.02.2024 Today Yongjoong Shin joins us as a master student for the upcoming semester. Welcome Shin to the mathy side of materials modelling !
19.02.2024 - 23.02.2024 The MatMat group participates in the CECAM-Psik workshop on electronic structure software development taking place in CECAM HQ in Lausanne. As part of the meeting Michael will on Fostering Interdisciplinary Research in Materials Modelling by Composable Julia Software. [Slides]
15.02.2024 Michael has been invited to give a talk at the Universität Freiburg chemistry department seminar. He will talk about A Mathematical Viewpoint on Robustness and Efficiency in First-Principle Simulations. [Slides]
21.11.2023 Michael takes part in the Theory Lunch Seminar series at EPFL and gives a talk on Towards robust error control for high-throughput materials simulations [Slides] [Demo]
01.11.2023 Today we welcome Dr. Cédric Travelletti to our group. All the best and happy beginnings! We we hope you'll like doing our mathy way of doing materials science.
19.09.2023 Today our group welcomes two master students, Bruno Ploumhans and Bonan Sun, who will stay with us for the upcoming autumn semester. We hope you will enjoy your time with us with some great insights into DFT and materials modelling.
01.09.2023 Niklas Schmitz joins our group as a PhD student. Welcome Niklas and we look forward to discussions and some great science over the next years.
25.07.2023 - 29.07.2023 Michael is part of the organising committee of JuliaCon 2023, the annual conference of the community of the Julia programming language. This year it finally resumes to an in-person conference, this time in Cambridge, United States. For the second time in a row Michael has taken the position as program co-chair. Additionally he will present, together with Paul Brehmer, on Surrogatising quantum spin systems using reduced order models. [Slides] [Recording]
27.06.2023 Michael co-organises the minisymposium Interdisciplinary Challenges in Multiscale Materials Modeling at the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) conference in Davos, Switzerland. As part of the minisymposium he will present on Fostering Interdisciplinary Research in Materials Modelling by Composable Julia Software. [Slides]
05.06.2023 - 08.06.2023 Michael attends the Numerical Methods in Quantum Chemistry 2023 in Tromsø, Norway, where he is invited to give a talk titled Efficient response property calculations for density-functional theory. [Slides]
30.05.2023 - 02.06.2023 At the 93rd annual meeting of the German Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) in Dresden, Germany Michael gives a talk titled Accelerating mathematical developments in materials modelling by composable software as part of the section Modelling, analysis and simulation of molecular systems. [Slides]
24.05.2023 Our group hosts a seminar Julia for Materials Modelling. In the form of interactive Pluto notebooks Michael discusses the suitability of Julia for atomistic materials modelling and provides an overview of the current state of Julia tools in this field. [Lecture notes] [Recording]
08.05.2023 Michael gives a talk titled An interdisciplinary perspective on robust materials simulations at the Get to know your neighbors seminar series at the center for intelligent systems at EPFL. [Slides] [Recording]